Forum des Jeunes Chercheurs (FJC)

The Forum des Jeunes Chercheurs (FJC) is a two-day annual scientific event that enables PhD students from the  Environment-Santé (ES) Doctoral School of the University Bourgogne Franche-Comté to share their latest research, exchange ideas as well as different techniques.

This forum brings together young researchers from different laboratories as a way of offering them a full and unique experience of the doctoral training program by confronting them to a similar environment as the one of an international congress. We take our PhD students and their respective work, be it fundamental or applied, very seriously, the different research programs being intimately linked with the innovative future of our region and country.    

The organisation of this event falls under the full responsibility of the PhD students registered at the University Bourgogne Franche-Comté (UBFC). The location changes once every two years, alternating between the two main campuses of the university, Dijon and Besançon.   

This year Dijon will host the 27th edition of the FJC which will take place on the 16th and 17th of June at the Faculty of Sciences Gabriel.

An estimate of 300 students are expected to participate at this year’s edition, their research addressing various themes spanning the fields of medicine, biology, food, ecology, geology, technological innovations, paleontology, climatology, etc.

We are sure to attend a diversity of scientific presentations, lively debates and friendly exchanges between the different actors and future experts of this field.

The Bourgogne Franche-Comté will show once again its dynamism in solving problems related to food, environment and healthcare through its high-level research and outstanding individuals involved in the future of this region.


You will find here the detailed program for the two days: Planning_titre_presentation


And the synthetic version of the program: Planning

Guidelines for abstract submission

Abstract submission will be closed on May, 6th at 11:59 pm.

  • Abstract in english 
  • 150-300 Words
  • 3-8 keys words 

Please use the following format for your abstract:




Presentation guidelines


They must be in A0 format (118.9 x 84.1 cm), with a portrait orientation and written in English.

They must display the YRC 2022, Environnement-Santé Doctoral School and UBFC logos (available below) as well as a picture of the presenting author.

Posters should not be longer than 500 words (without considering title, author’s names and addresses, figure captions and references).

Posters should be presented in a 4-5 minutes speech, in French or in English.

Printing of the poster is the responsibility of your laboratories.

Any poster that does not follow these instructions will not be displayed during the forum



10 minutes presentation which will be followed by 5 minutes of questions.  

Your first slide must present the YRC 2022, Environnement-Santé Doctoral School and UBFC logos (available below).

The YRC 2022 logo must be present on each slide of your presentation.

Both French and English are accepted.

You can use the following template for your oral presentation: Oral-presentation_template

 You will have to send your slides (pdf – mandatory – and powerpoint if you want) before Tuesday, June 14th at 23h59 to the following email address: Your files must be labelled as: Surname_Firstname.



Logos available for uploading

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